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Seborrheic Keratosis

Get in touch today and book your consultation in Colchester or Chelmsford

Seborrheic Keratosis Colchester & Chelmsford. This is a benign, asymptomatic, non-viral proliferation of epidermal cells primarily caused by ageing. Sun exposure over the years has also been attributed to them, and sometimes they can be hereditary.

This condition can also be known as senile warts, seborrheic warts, barnacles or basal cell papilloma. It’s an extremely common condition, especially in the over 40’s and your first one can be rather unnerving when you are unsure as to what it is.

You can present one Seborrhoeic Keratosis on its own, or in some cases, they can cover large areas of the body, such as the back. I see many clients with them on their faces, around their bra straps, and front of their torsos.

Seborrheic Keratosis can affect any skin type and ethnicity, however, on darker skins, the blemish can appear as a small brown or black lump and can therefore be Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra. Seborrheic Keratosis blemishes range from light brown to almost black because of the presence of melanin in them. Most have a rough, scab/wart-like surface, although some can present as waxy. They can have a superficial, stuck on appearance. Some clients have mistaken these for new mole when indeed they are Seborrheic Keratosis.

Although Seborrheic Keratosis is sometimes referred to as a wart, it is not caused by the same virus and is not infectious or contagious, nor is it formed from sebaceous glands.

The appearance of Seborrheic Keratosis can be of great concern to many clients , particularly as the diverse colour and texture can be an unnecessary worry when you are unsure what it is. They can be a nuisance to clients as they rub and catch on clothing causing them to bleed. In addition, many can be unsightly, and clients can feel self-conscious about having the blemishes. Diathermy and Cryotherapy are both fantastic methods to banish any unwanted blemishes.

If you would like treatment for Seborrheic Keratosis in the Colchester or Chelmsford Clinic then please book your consultation below.