Blemish Removal Expertise in Colchester & Chelmsford

Amy Gordon provides a variety of blemish removal services throughout the Colchester & Chelmsford area, including treatments for Skin Tags, Thread Veins, Milia, Moles and more.

Blemish Removal Expertise in Colchester

Amy Gordon provides a variety of blemish removal services throughout the Colchester area, including treatments for Skin Tags, Thread Veins, Milia, Moles and more.

Amy Gordon - Advanced Blemish Removal COLCHESTER & Chelmsford

Amy is an award-winning skin specialist and blemish removal practitioner with clinics located in Colchester & Chelmsford in Essex.

Since 2022 she has focused solely on her passion, Advanced Blemish Removal using Cryopen & Diathermy.

With her unwavering passion and dedication to her clients, Amy’s focus is to give her clients the confidence they may have lost due to a number of blemishes such as Skin Tags, Thread Veins, Xanthelasma, Seborrheic Keratosis, Milia, Cysts, Moles and much more.

Amy is a level 5 Advanced Skin Practitioner holding the highest qualification in this field of Blemish Removal. She has over 25 years experience in the industry and when shes not in clinic she works as a Business Coach at The Delforge Group, where she mentors and inspires others to achieve success in the industry. As a recognised judge for leading industry awards, Amy’s impact on the beauty world is undeniable.

Amy’s reputation as a top expert in the field has earned her numerous accolades over the years. She runs her weekly Blemish Removal Clinics from EM Skin Clinic in Colchester, Essex and Jasmine Diebelius in Chelmsford.

AMY GORDON Colchester & Chelmsford


What is Diathermy & Cryopen?


A small energy current is sent through a very fine needle to dry up and destroy or reduce the condition, also known as cauterisation. Some blemishes take several treatments and some are instant. This treatment can sometimes be a little uncomfortable but tolerable.


High pressure nitrus oxide is delivered via a pen like device to freeze the unwanted tissue of the blemish. This method is virtually painless although some stinging can be felt at times. There are minimal after effects, with a little tightness and scabbing to be expected. Healing is different for each individual, if aftercare is followed then the process should be speedy and problem free. All treatments begin with a full consultation to discuss the area you are looking to treat, skin test the area and advise on the best treatment plan.




Introducing Blemish Pro

Introducing Blemish Pro

Introducing Blemish Pro: The Essential Support Platform for Blemish Removal Practitioners As an advanced blemish removal practitioner, I’ve seen firsthand

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Blemish Pro is a dedicated platform for blemish removal professionals featuring a host of resources and expertise to help you be the best at what you do!


A small energy current is sent through a very fine needle which is moved across the area to be treated. This dries up and destroys the condition, which can often disappear as it is being treated. One treatment can sometimes be enough, although further treatments may be necessary depending upon the area and condition we are treating. The treatment itself is a little uncomfortable but easily tolerated.

Age spots are harmless, benign skin lesions that are caused by sun exposure and are typically found in older individuals. Melanoma, on the other hand, is a dangerous form of skin cancer that can be life threatening and requires prompt medial attention. It is important to regularly check your skin for any changes in moles or lesions and to seek advice if you notice anything unusual.

Diathermy can cause temporary redness in the treated area. This is a normal reaction and typically subsides within a few hours.

Diathermy involves the application of heat or electrical current to the skin, which can cause inflammation and increased blood flow to the treated area. This increased blood flow can lead to erythema, resulting in redness and flushed appearance of the skin in the treated area – this will vary between individuals. It is a common skin response and can result from blemish removal.  

Advanced Blemish Electrolysis treatment will visibly reduce the appearance of a mole only. This is to ensure we do not disturb the histology of the mole. The energy from the electrolysis dries the interstitial fluid that makes up 80% of the structure of a mole. This means that moles can only be reduced and not removed.

All moles need a letter from the doctor prior to reduction to confirm they are benign.

Milia commonly occur around the eye area, however, the can also appear on the nose, cheeks and forehead. Milia around the eye area can occur for several reasons.

Dead skin cells can accumulate around the eyes, get trapped and form milia.

Sun damage can cause milia.

Genetics are also a cause of milia.

Certain skincare products can contribute to milia.

It is important to avoid trying to remove milia yourself as this can lead to scarring and infection.

Clogged pores can lead to the formation of milia.

There is no limit, however, it will depend on each individual. The number of skin tags that can be removed from one area will depend on how the skin responds and heals after the initial skin test.

Skin tags will not regrow after they have been removed. It is possible to develop new ones, which means you are prone to developing them in that area.

There is no definitive way to prevent skin tags, but you may be able to reduce your chance of developing them. The majority of skin tag conditions are caused by friction.

If you are genetically predisposed to developing skin tags, regular moisturising to avoid friction may help manage/reduce the likelihood of developing skin tags.

Avoid wearing jewellery, particularly necklaces, all the time because they are known to cause friction.

Patch tests are an important part of your initial consultation as they show how the skin reacts to the treatment and how the skin heals post-treatment. This allows us to make an informed decision on whether or not to go ahead with the treatment.

Blemish removal can be a little uncomfortable but it is easily tolerated! The sensation experienced will be like a tingle, heat or a minor sting.

Be the best version of yourself


Amy helps patients to take the steps that genuinely change the way 
they feel about their skin.