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Skin Tag Removal

Get in touch today and book your consultation in Colchester or Chelmsford

Skin Tag Removal Colchester & Chelmsford. The wonderful thing about skin tags is that they are benign, so there is no need to worry if they appear.  They are extremely common and one of the most popular blemishes I treat in the clinic.

These innocuous growths of epithelial tissue can vary in size, shape, and the way in which they are attached. They mainly occur in areas of friction and where the skin forms creases, such as the armpit, neck, and groin. I also find many occur around the bra strap line due to rubbing from the bra and have treated in areas such as between the bottom cheeks and around the eyes, so they really can get everywhere.

Skin tags affect around 45% of the population, and although skin tags have no medical risk as such to my clients, they may want them removed due to them affecting their confidence and self esteem.

So what are they really? They are a common fibrous skin condition that develops raised growths that often appear to hang off the top layer of skin (the epidermis) and are formed of loose collagen fibre.

Skin tags can form singularly or in multiple distributions. Skin tags vary in appearance, some may be supported by a stalk and resemble a cauliflower almost. You can generally pull these away from the skin, and they have a thin body with a round head. Others can lay flat on the skin. Depending on how the skin tag presents will depend on the method of removal using diathermy, however, with Crypopen, the technique remains the same. 

The size of skin tags can vary hugely, from a tiny pin dot almost to a large pea or even larger. The shape can also vary depending on where on the body the skin tag is. They could be a perfect round ball, or they could be slightly flattened if found in a place where they are under pressure, such as between the bottom cheeks.

Skin tags can also vary in colour, some presenting the same colour as the surrounding skin while others can be hyperpigmented, appearing shades darker than the natural skin making them more noticeable.

Skin tags can be treated with both diathermy and cryotherapy.

For Skin Tag Removal in my Colchester or Chelmsford Clinic – Book online below or call to discuss.