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Client Review

Client Review Colchester & Chelmsford

I love to write about a clients review and their journey so any potential client looking at my work has a true insight in to how blemish removal can actually change lives as dramatic as that sounds, giving the confidence back to those clients who may have lost it.

I first met Sara in Decemeber 2023 when she came to me with what she considered to be two skin tags, one on the top of one shoulder and one on the side of her neck. After carrying out the full consultation and discussing the treatment, how it works and how to care for the blemishes after I took a more in depth look at the blemishes through the magnifier. Sara also mentioned that she had started to cover up her blemish on her neck by wearing her hair down as she was starting to feel very self consious about it.

The blemish on the top of the left shoulder was exactly as she thought, just a small skin tag, however the one on the left hand side of her neck presented differently than a normal tag, it was solid in areas, bumpy in others and almost wart like in a way so I wanted Sara to just get this checked my the doctor to confirm that it was a benign growth and we were OK to go ahead with treatment.

I will always ask my clients to visit the doctor for confirmation the growth is benign, even when it is not a mole but it is something that is out of the ordinary, simply to be extra cautious.

We carried out the skin test whilst Sara was with me on the first visit on the one small skin tag and sara came back to me in February of 2024 with her doctors consent (we no longer require a letter, simply confirmation of the date/time & doctor seen) to confirm this growth is benign.

We got to work and I used my favorite choice of treatment, Diathermy. As this growth had a strong base and hold to the skin I chose not to use the slice method and instead used the dessication method which means drying out the blemish and reducing it down so that it creates a scab and then slowly comes off over the following couple of weeks.

You can see from the healed after picture there is a footprint of where the blemish has been. This is still in the healing phase only 6 weeks after and the skin should start to return to it’s normal pigment, however I do always say to clients to expect some kind of a footprint of where the blemish has been.

Client Review Colchester & ChelmsfordWart Removal immediately After Colchester & Chelmsford Wart Removal healed Colchester & Chelmsford

Sara left me the most lovely google review compounding the reason why I do what I do, not that I need that, I love what I do!

You can head over to my google reviews to check it out and I have also included her words below:

Amy explained the two procedures she performed for me in detail to ensure I was happy and secure about them. She was very knowledgeable and helpful.
The procedures were performed very efficiently and successfully.
Amy explained the aftercare for both areas and its importance.
I am so happy with the results and no longer feel I have to cover up my neck due to unsightly and large skin tags.
Thank you Amy, amazing results

To book your consultation now in either my Colchester or Chelmsford clinic click here.





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