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Is it safe to remove a mole?

Mole Removal Colchester

Is it safe to remove a mole? Moles are one of the most common blemishes I am asked to treat. Moles come in many different shapes, sizes and colours and can appear anywhere on the body.

Is it safe to remove a mole?

Moles can range from very small to very large and for some of my clients they can become a real problem for them, either for cosmetic purposes because they simply don’t like the way they look or where they are and also for reasons of comfort as moles can be in places that rub or get caught easily and therefore become senstive and sometimes painful.

Firstly it is important to know that before any mole is reduced or removed doctors consent is required. A doctor must confirm the mole is benign and for clients of mine I require a signed form to confirm the date and the time a doctor has been seen and the confirmation of which mole is benign. This process is absoloutely crucial and mole reduction cannot be carried out unless this is done. Moles can be susceptible to developing melanoma and any mole worked on must be healthy and given the all clear from the doctor. If at this point the doctor is unsure you will be referred to a dermatologist.

So going back to the intial question of ‘is it safe to remove a mole?’, the answer is yes. Full removal of moles either benign or not can take place in a doctor led setting, however many patients opt for mole reducttion using the likes of Diathermy to minimise scarring.

The reduction of moles is simple and effective using either diathermy or cryotherapy, it can generally occur in one session, however some moles may need a follow up treatment to further flatten the mole for a more aesthetically pleasing end result.

To book your mole reduction in either my Colchester or Chelmsford clinic click here.





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